2014.11.12 Collaborative Relationship Management master class, Jurmala, Latvia


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ECR Baltic is offering an exclusive training on Collaborative Relationship Management facilitated by trainer who has been building and training sales teams of P&G (the leading FMCG manufacturer) for more than 35 years. This is a great opportunity for Local-National manufacturers to learn how to build successful relationships with major retail customers - how it is done by major multinationals on one hand and on other hand for multinationals to learn and compare their approaches to their key customers.

The training is not limited to manufacturers, but also retail, distributors and solution providers who have to work with key customers.

Date: 12. November 2014, in Baltic Beach Hotel, Jurmala, Latvia

Collaborative Relationship Management Outline Agenda (in English)
9:00    Welcome Coffee
10:00    Collaboration Challenge
11:00    Experiences of Collaboration
    How Teamwork evolves
12:00    Collaboration Model
13:00    Lunch
14:00    Collaboration Model
15:00    Break
16:00    How to improve "Virtual Collaboration"
    Summary and Action Plan
17:00    Close

Price: ECR Baltic members EUR 400 | Others: EUR 600 + 21% Latvian VAT

Participants prior to the master class are invited to fill in the
ECR Project Team Assessment Questionnaire

Register online, here!

Book your place now at ECR Baltic Forum

Hotel booking:

Baltic Beach Hotel
Jūras iela 23/25, Jūrmala
LV 2015 Latvia


Download room reservation form, here (*.doc)!


Collaboration is the act of working together to a common goal.  Having the capacity to collaborate is an essential personal and professional skill. It is the key to working successfully with others in the workplace or in life.

Strong collaboration skills result in successful problem solving, idea generation and product/process improvement. These skills are essential for every team member. They are especially important in today’s multicultural, multi-generational, multi-location workforce and for newly formed teams that are trying to adapt to new projects and responsibilities.

How do you view your Customers tod­­­­­­­­­­­ay?

A “means to an end”?

A “necessary evil”?

Someone to transact business with?

Or, a genuine partnership seeking shared beneficial results for both parties?

What You Will Cover

This seminar will give you hands-on exposure to the techniques and processes of collaboration. We will explore the key components of Collaboration including:-

  • How to identify the personnel and skill sets* needed to deliver specific objectives or goals.
  • How to enroll the people resources to share your Commitment to the objective or goal.
  • How to foster open Communication within the team where all individuals feel valued and engaged.
  • How to encourage others to accept the responsibility and overcome the business Challenge.
  • How to exploit the Creativity within the team to surmount obstacles and find new and better ways,
  • How to exploit Critical Thinking and Problem Solving skills
  • Finally, you will develop an action plan to use in your workplace to achieve business success.

*These skills include:

• Active listening

• Respecting the diversity in others

• Adopting Positive Attitude - be uplifting to team members

• Focusing on the problem not the people

• Social Awareness

Target Audience

The course is designed for teams who interact with one or more major customers in their business. Ideally these teams will be “multi-functional” if the business is conducted by more than Buyers and Sellers.

Who Should Attend

You may believe yourself to be a natural collaborator or you may be more comfortable working independently. Either way, a few simple behavioral changes can make you an even better team player. The training is particularly valuable to Team Leaders or indeed full business teams.

How You Will Benefit

  • Understanding your “Personal Collaborating Effectiveness” – your strengths and opportunities
  • Increase your business success rate.
  • Improve your professional relationships - groups outperform individuals on complex tasks and individuals then do better on later individuals assignments as well.
  • Get greater satisfaction working with others.
  • Enhance your reputation in the organization.

Training Duration

The formal classroom training is a one (full) day event but this may be supplemented with coaching support for Team Leaders and their Teams.

Class Size

Optimum class size is 20. Depending on the final group profile this could be any combination from 5 table groups of 4 participants to (min) 2 table groups of 10. Each table should (for the purpose of the training) be dedicated to a single Customer and everyone at the table should have personal experience of interacting with the Customer. This will best enable good discussion and shared learning.

About the Facilitator

Kevin Hawkins CRM PG trainingKevin Hawkins (Experienced mind) has more than 35 years professional experience in leading the development and deployment of Sales Capability programs for more than 10,000 employees of Procter & Gamble and its business partners in Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East and Africa (CEEMEA).

He has a background in the Sales function and is highly qualified to train Selling and Negotiation skills. Kevin also has wide experience of and is an authoritative and dynamic speaker on a range of Commercial skills. These include Leadership, Teamwork, Coaching, Motivation, Execution and Formal Presentation skills.

To inquire about our rates, please email us at

Call +37126546645
