08.03.2012 Consumer and Shopper Journey Framework training, Brussels


08 March 2012 Brussels (Map)

Consumer & Shopper Journey Framework training

Proposal for a “Train the Trainer” session for ECR NI Project Managers and Demand Committee members (i.e. for ECR Baltic Category Management Working Group members only!).

If you are ECR Baltic member, join ECR Baltic working groups, here!


1. Understanding and Using the C&SJ Framework
A. Why a Shopper-based Business Planning Approach makes sense in today’s business environment
B.Overview of the Consumer & Shopper Journey Framework and its Key Components
C. A Roadmap for Successful Implementation and Use of the Framework
D.Examples of the use of the C&SJ Framework in Shopper Marketing, Brand Management and Category Management  and Trade / Customer Marketing business methods
2. Training on the pilot process with a retailer & manufacturer
3. “Share and re-apply” group membership to continuously build the knowledge across Europe

Please contact: Edgars Pentjuss (+37126546645)
Download ECR Europe C&SF blue book, here!